Simplifying Autism Improvement and Recovery


Autism appears to be a highly complex condition. Researchers looking for a single genetic mutation have now found more than 1000 genes that increase the risk of autism. Researchers also looked for a single rising environmental factor, but they found a large number of diverse factors that all increase the risk of autism. The symptoms of autism vary dramatically and there are so many biological symptoms that it's hard to know which areas to focus on.

Despite all this complexity, people are improving and even recovering from autism. And there are new ways of looking at autism that may dramatically simplify our understanding of the condition. When researchers look at the genetic risk factors for autism, the largest cluster of genes are associated with calcium channel signaling. There are some key environmental factors which impact calcium channel signaling. This is relevant because all of the major symptoms of autism are also all impacted by calcium channel signaling.

Calcium channel signaling is used to excite cells. For a neuron, the more excited it is, the higher the probability that it will fire. In autism there is too much excitement (an imbalance of excitement and inhibition--the ability to calm down). Overexcitement, over the long-term, can actually damage cells and interfere with learning and brain development. Viewing autism as a long-term overload of excitement and excitatory environmental factors simplifies this complex condition and allows us to take action to reduce environmental exposures, calm the body, and restore functioning. This clearer understanding of autism may help simplify how we treat the condition and make it easier to improve and even recover.

Simplifying Autism Improvement and Recovery - Slides (pdf format)

Simplifying Autism Improvement and Recovery - Audio (mp3 format)

Simplifying Autism Improvement and Recovery Booklet - (Pending further edits and copywriting)


Talk and Booklet References

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[24] Tru-Align Body System

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