This paper is a summary of recent research and treatment protocols that support the theory that electromagnetic fields and radiation play a role in autism.
Initial Paper Summary
One year ago, Harvard researcher Dr. Martha Herbert, and EMF expert Cindy Sage, had their lengthy paper Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link published in Journal of Pathophysiology in two parts: Part I, Part II
The paper basically stated that the known symptoms of EMF exposure match the known symptoms of autism, these being primarily oxidative stress, inflammation, lower melatonin and glutathione and elevated calcium. Their conclusion was that the theory of EMF (electromagnetic fields and radiation) as an environmental factor in autism is plausible and deserves further attention.
Genetic Study
The most recent genetic study in autism found that the majority of the genetic mutations found were not inherited from the parents: Dozens of Genes Associated with Autism in New Research. The next logical step is to find environmental or physiological factors that would increase mutations. It has been theorized that the increase in men carrying their cell phones in their front pockets (closer to their bodies than the FCC and cell phone manufacturers recommend) may play a role. The overwhelming majority of research studies of cell phone wireless radiation and sperm have found an increase in damage to sperm, including damage to DNA.
A study by the University Texas found that children of fathers with technical jobs had a higher risk for autism.
The carrying of a cell phone in the pocket should be reviewed as a possible source of genetic mutation to sperm and a factor in the rising autism epidemic.
Emerging Awareness
Doctors and public health agencies are now starting to include EMF when they discuss the full range of possible environmental contributors to autism:
Pandemic Rates of Autism Cannot Be Explained by Genetics or Diagnosis Alone
Part 2 of Pandemic Rates of Autism Cannot Be Explained by Genetics or Diagnosis Alone
Dr. Martin Pall has gone one step further. He states that the exact mechanism of how EMF impacts the voltage regulated cell membrane channels is now known. But, that is just one part of the puzzle. He believes we now understand the whole thing. We have cell phone and wireless causing sperm damage and contributing to increased genetic mutations and genetic load. Toxins and total toxic load activate NMDA receptors, which contribute to increased inflammation. He is very concerned about the toxic contribution of rising levels of glyphosate. Finally, wireless and EMF are overloading voltage regulated gateways on the cell membranes, allowing positively charge calcium ions into the cell and disrupting the natural modulation of inflammation fighting nitric oxide (NO).
The lack of an objective biomarker for autism has made diagnosis and research more challenging. Two new non-invasive screens for autism may help us to quickly find children who are at risk and help researchers find more links between environmental exposure and changes in physiological biomarkers.
The first screen is a measurement of the brain’s electrical response (EEG) to light and sound. The autistic brain takes more time to recover from the stimulus.
Autism diagnosis could become clearer with sound/sight response screening
Since wireless radiation is basically light at a wavelength below our visual spectrum, it is hypothesized that autistics may be more sensitive to wireless pulses (invisible flicker or flashes) than neuro-typical children are, just as they are more sensitive to visible light than neuro-typical children are. A study is underway to validate this hypothesis.
The second test is a non-invasive scan of the retina which measures the thickness of the membrane. The retinal membrane thickness is an extension of the brain and nervous system and is seen as a good approximation for brain health. Autistics have been found to have thinner retinal membranes:
Reduction in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in young adults with autism spectrum disorders.
This is a key measure, because the thickness of the membrane is also a variable in the membrane channel’s ability to resist efflux and influx (outflow and inflow) of calcium. Having a thin membrane equates to being “thin skinned” or sensitive. We should now be able to quickly measure the effects of lowering EMF exposure and/or adding beneficial factors like healthy fats, which are used to build cell membranes.
Treatment Protocols
Doctors who are asking parents of autistic children to reduce constant sources of EMF and EMR (electromagnetic radiation) at night are seeing improvements in over 80% of the children. This is a simple and free protocol that parents can try at home on their own, right now.
Researchers are now closing in on the factors contributing to autism and EMF is emerging as a very plausible and likely suspect. Doctors and parents who are measuring and reducing exposure to constant sources of wireless radiation are seeing results.