Mother Jones

Autism File Magazine

Bay Area Autism

Toxin ToxOut

AutismOne Conference 2016

AutismOne 2016 will feature Clear Light Ventures' Clear Space.   The Clear Space, located in the Avedon B ballroom, will demonstrate elements of a model healthy home with emphases on key environmental suspects in autism. The space will feature low wireless and EMF along with low noise, high-quality lighting, good air quality, and low toxins. 

Peter Sullivan will be giving two talks at Autism One 2016: 

Wireless: A Key Piece of the Autism Puzzle and What You Can Do About It

Ending Autism in Your Home and in the World

Looking forward to seeing you at AutismOne 2016 - register here.

Building Biology Conference 2015

Wireless: A key piece of the autism puzzle and what you can do about it

I'll be speaking at this Autism One Conference, May 20-24 2015

Wireless: A key piece of the autism puzzle and what you can do about it

Quoted in an EMF article in Autism File Magazine

Read the full article "Electro-What? Reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields can lessen threats to your family's health"

Autism Bay Area

A version of my article on EMF Reduction for Autism was published in the Fall 2014 issue of Autism Bay Area Magazine (Online / Print Locations).  Additionally, the Open Mind School, also mentioned in this issue, is one of the schools at which I have done EMF measurement and reduction.

EMF Noise Reduction

Adding Alan Maher Designs EMI wrap to reduce electrical noise at the Open Mind Schoolin Redwood City.